How can star traders shine in the market? In-depth analysis of Bitget's follower data reveals the top 100,000 super rolls.

Investment involves both profits and losses. However, for ordinary retail investors, staying up late to monitor the market in order to generate profits may not be a sustainable habit for everyone. To bridge the gap between professional investors and retail investors, many companies have introduced tools such as “social copy-trading systems” in recent years.

In the design of copy-trading systems, top elite traders act as the driving force behind the funds, increasing the utilization of funds for retail investors who may lack experience and time. This system serves as an efficient tool that allows investors to have a forward-looking and direct participation in the market. Some investors rely on copying orders from experienced traders and use the research results of others to help them make profits.

Taking the famous exchange Bitget as an example, it currently attracts hundreds of thousands of users who have a demand for copy-trading. Bitget has also created a platform for “leading traders” to compete with each other based on their performance. The intense competition among these traders raises the question of how these top-ranked star traders have achieved their success.

To understand this, we first need to analyze the principles and risks of copy-trading.

Principles and Risks of Copy-Trading
One representative copy-trading product in the cryptocurrency market is the Bitget exchange. This product has been used widely in the trading community since its launch three years ago. After registering and accessing the official website or app, users can easily engage in copy-trading by selecting a trader from the list of available traders to follow. The system automatically synchronizes their trading behaviors, allowing users to potentially make profits without having to constantly monitor the market.

The infrastructure of Bitget’s copy-trading system is extremely convenient and intuitive. The profit and loss dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the current opening positions. Users can quickly filter traders based on their ROI, maximum drawdown, number of followers, total earnings, winning rate, and assets under management (AUM). Bitget also automatically assigns various identification labels to traders, allowing users to distinguish their trading styles.

However, there are risks associated with copy-trading that users need to be aware of. Before engaging in copy-trading, it is recommended to pay special attention to the following points:

– If a trader’s profit is extremely high despite a short order opening time, it may be due to the use of high leverage with a small amount of funds.
– Pay attention to the “total follower earnings” to filter out traders who have high profits by taking high risks, but end up causing their followers to suffer losses.
– Establish personal risk control measures, such as setting a leverage limit, stop profit and stop loss ratios, and maximum amount to follow a single trader.
– To incentivize traders to open orders, they can extract a portion of their followers’ profits (0-13%). Followers should be aware that their profits may be reduced accordingly.

Popularity of Copy-Trading: Surprising Data
While analyzing the copy-trading data of Bitget, we have discovered a rapid increase in the demand for copy-trading. This indirectly reflects the success of Bitget in this aspect and its popularity among users. Based on the changes in the number of users from January 1st to October 31st, the total number of users who engaged in copy-trading increased by nearly 240,000, reaching 617,000.

In terms of spot copy-trading, which was launched on January 10th, there was an increase of 53,000 users from January 10th to October 31st. It is also worth noting that users showed a preference for contract trading.

Furthermore, when examining the source of users who engaged in contract copy-trading, 48.28% of them came from spot copy-trading users. Among spot copy-trading users, the majority (42.87%) favored contract trading.

Bitget’s Star Traders: How Are They Born?
Analyzing the data behind the star traders on Bitget reveals that their success is built step by step through frequent trading activities. Currently, Bitget has gathered over 120,000 trading experts (traders who open orders) on its copy-trading platform, making it a large community. The question is, how are the top-ranking traders selected? By looking at the public data provided by Bitget, we can see that they are primarily ranked based on six key factors:

– ROI (Return on Investment)
– Maximum drawdown
– Total number of followers
– Total earnings
– Winning rate
– AUM (Assets Under Management)

In addition to the above data, auxiliary data such as total equity, total orders, days since joining, and current number of followers are also taken into account. Based on these data, Bitget categorizes the top-performing traders into four types:

– Highest ROI
– Highest earnings
– Highest earnings for followers
– New trading experts

It is important to note that ROI refers to the investment return rate, usually expressed as a percentage. ROI = (Profit/Loss) / Capital x 100%. Total earnings refer to the overall profit from closed orders, while follower earnings refer to the total earnings of followers from closed orders.

The category of new trading experts provides more exposure opportunities for emerging traders. The entry requirements include having a contract account balance of at least 500 USDT, an ROI of at least 10%, a total of at least 10 orders followed in the past 7 days, a total of at least 1 follower in the past 7 days, and a total earnings amount of at least 40 USDT in the past 7 days. Although the entry requirements may seem simple, it is still challenging to make it onto the list of emerging traders in a highly competitive trading environment.

In addition to the ranking based on the above data, users can also view the rankings and trading data of traders based on the past 24 hours, 7 days, 3 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months. This allows users to select top traders who are skilled in investing in specific market sectors that are currently performing well.

Cross-Comparison: Selecting the Best Traders to Follow
Bitget’s copy-trading system also includes a “comparison of trading experts” feature, which allows users to compare different traders using more data. In addition to the aforementioned data, this feature also provides access to the public posts of traders, allowing users to gain insights into their market judgments.

For inexperienced investors who are new to trading, it is recommended to pay special attention to four important indicators of traders on Bitget’s copy-trading system:

a. Historical Performance
To assess a trader’s long-term performance, it is recommended to focus on their performance and risk control abilities in different tokens. This includes indicators such as trading frequency, ROI, winning rate, drawdown rate, and total earnings. These indicators can reveal whether a trader relies on taking high risks or speculative tactics to enhance their data.

b. Trading Style
Bitget’s copy-trading system assigns style labels to traders based on their historical data. These labels provide objective and accurate information, allowing users to understand the characteristics of different traders. The labels are diverse and include:

– Top labels: High earnings, high ROI, steady, consistently winning, most popular
– Style labels: High frequency, low frequency, aggressive, conservative, long-term, short-term
– Newcomer labels: New talents, beginners
– Preferred token labels: BTC enthusiasts, ETH enthusiasts, diversified experts
– Negative label: Inactive

c. Trading Expert Levels
Traders who can be followed on Bitget’s copy-trading system are divided into six different levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Black Gold, and Legend. Different levels of trading experts enjoy corresponding benefits. However, the higher the level, the stricter the requirements for performance data. For example, a Legend trading expert needs to achieve a win rate of at least 80% in the past 30 days, a total of at least 300 followed orders in the past 30 days, a total followed amount of at least $50,000, a total earnings of at least $2,000 in the past 30 days, and a total equity of the contract account of at least $10,000 in the past 7 days. The grading system allows followers to evaluate traders to a certain extent.

d. Trading Period
The trader’s personal page displays a time distribution chart, allowing users to find traders who match their own investment period, risk tolerance, and time preferences. This is crucial in finding the most suitable star traders.

Exploring the “Specialty Operations” of Star Traders
After understanding how top traders are selected, one may wonder what their specialties are. According to statistics from Bitget, the top ten star traders in terms of contract trading most frequently trade BTC, ETH, and XRP.

In terms of spot trading, the top ten traders most frequently trade BTC, ETH, and Bitget’s native token BGB.

Using the top-ranked trader in the contract trading list as an example, their specialty is concentrated in short positions, focusing on BTC/ETH. They use high leverage up to 50 times and quickly close positions within a very short time frame of around 10 minutes. This strategy is estimated to capture the appropriate selling pressure periods using quantitative data. The current profit record of this top trader is 100%. Although it involves high-risk operations, many followers have achieved profits by following this trader.

Copy-Trading System Seeks Evolution: Premium
To keep the copy-trading system active, it is important to retain high-quality traders on the platform to continue generating profits. Bitget recognizes this and plans to make it easier for traders to cultivate their own investor communities. The recently launched “Trading Expert Honor Mode” consists of four key features:

– Whitelist invitations: Trading experts can invite “designated users” to follow and pay attention to their strategies.
– Trading strategy protection: Only followers in the honor mode can access and share the trading strategies.
– Profit sharing ratio setting: Trading experts do not need to lock BGB tokens and can flexibly set the profit-sharing ratio from 0% to 99%.
– Follower customization management: Trading experts can closely monitor the trading activities of their followers and have the ability to add or remove followers.

This premium mode may sound familiar. It follows a similar logic to the channel subscription and premium membership upgrade on well-known social media platform YouTube. By enhancing the interaction between “content providers” and “demanders,” both parties benefit from increased community engagement, enhanced content sharing, and the use of improved management tools. Applying this logic to copy-trading systems is still relatively rare.

Conclusion: Copy-Trading is a Powerful Tool for Social Investors
Analyzing the complete picture of Bitget’s copy-trading functionality, it becomes clear that for retail investors, studying how experienced contract traders operate in current strong or popular token markets is a valuable source of trading information. Even if one does not choose to follow others’ trades, they can conduct extensive research on the drawdown data of successful traders.

On the other hand, spot copy-trading allows users to understand how experienced traders strategically position long-term orders or identify potential tokens during specific market conditions.

For investors who have transitioned from retail to elite traders, copy-trading allows them to amplify their market influence and gain more social recognition and profits. For investors who have a genuine need for copy-trading, they naturally seek a powerful and intuitive interface. Bitget’s trader pages already provide comprehensive data, saving users a significant amount of time in personal analysis and enabling more agile and flexible investment decisions. In the rapidly changing cryptocurrency market, this is indeed a rare and powerful tool.

Risk Disclosure: The data used in this article is provided by Bitget. Copy-trading involves different risks depending on the trading activities of traders. This article does not provide any investment or product usage advice. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise caution.

Article Source: BlockTempo

This article is provided by the official source and does not represent the views and investment advice of this platform. Readers must conduct their own careful evaluation.

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